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"The main method is inquiry, an investigation of your own personal experience. Inquiry is not just a mental investigation but one that involves sensing, feeling deeply, and understanding all of your experience."

-Jeanne Hay Rosenblum, Diamond Approach teacher

"The invitation of the Diamond Approach is to look at whatever is arising and to try to see it more fully. An issue that’s coming up is an opening into something deeper."

-Albert Dytch, Diamond Approach student

"The Diamond Approach helps us penetrate through the personality structure. We use psychological understanding to help understand the twists and turns of the ego structure."

-Sandra Maitri, Diamond Approach teacher

"The ego is not the bad guy. By entering through the conditioned self, the ego, without rejecting it, we find what is real that is underlying it. It’s a very compassionate path."

-Tejo Jourdan, Diamond Approach teacher


The Method

Our central practice of Diamond Inquiry™ engages and explores our inner world such that each experience deepens and reveals its meaning. Over time, our experience is increasingly informed by innate qualities of our Being—love, joy, strength, will, compassion, and peace, among others—that have been hidden by unconscious beliefs and attitudes.

Along with verbal exploration, we use movement practices and breath work to engage the wisdom of the body in diamond inquiry. Diamond Approach teachings are offered in an organic, deepening sequence for us to explore personally with others in groups. We learn from each other in these settings and are supported by the witnessing of fellow students.

The openness of this approach invites us to contact our own inner guidance—to discover and fulfill our potential in our own unique timing and way.

Diamond Inquiry™

Diamond Inquiry helps to reveal the shining core of our experience - in the here and now - without needing to accumulate 10,000 hours of meditation or having any special conditions in place. As the central practice of the Diamond Approach path, Diamond Inquiry connects us to a palpable immediacy and aliveness, a felt presence that includes many facets: Love, strength, joy, kindness, peace, determination, meaning, freedom, and many more wonderful qualities. 

Rather than sidestep our ordinary experience, Diamond Inquiry operates from the understanding that our ordinary experience and our spiritual depth are ultimately one. This orientation to our existence inspires a curiosity about our day-to-day life, and it fuels the drive to become free from the constraints of our past conditioning, which have kept us out of touch with our true nature and our vast potential.  

Both mysterious and practical, Diamond Inquiry brings more transparency and lightness to our human lives. 

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