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Diamond Approach

Glossary of Spiritual Wisdom

From the teachings of A.H. Almaas

What is Compulsion?

Diamond Approach Teachings About: Compulsion

Preferences in the Mind

Compulsion and attachment indicate preferences in the mind; they mean you’re living in the realm of the past. That’s why some paths utilize the fact that a practical way to work on yourself or to seek reality is to the find balance, to learn not to have excess in anything – neither for nor against anything.

The Drivenness and Compulsion of the Animal Soul

We share with the animal kingdom a focus on the physical world; we are oriented toward and preoccupied with physical and other external phenomena. Partly as a result of this focus, we also share with animals the instinctual drives toward and passions for survival, food, sex, procreation, company, pleasure, power, dominance, possessiveness, territory, security, safety, comfort, entertainment, and so on. We are primarily driven by our survival, sexual, and social instincts. And these instincts operate in us the same way they operate in the animal kingdom, with drivenness, compulsion, and irrational passion for their gratification. When we experience the animal potential of the soul, what we call the animal soul, we are then full of desires, cravings, uncontrollable impulses, lust, and passion for what the world offers. We want with passion, crave with hunger, and desire with instinctual abandon. We desire instant gratification, but our appetite for such gratification has no bottom and no end. We want and want and want. We want to eat, copulate, possess, dominate, even nourish and nurse ad nauseam. Even when we believe we are being human because we want contact and sharing, our attitude about such fine qualities is animalistic, and worse. We are greedy for contact, and our need for sharing is bottomless. And whoever stands in our way had better beware.

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