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Diamond Level

Diamond Approach

Glossary of Spiritual Wisdom

From the teachings of A.H. Almaas

What is Diamond Level?

Diamond Approach Teachings About: Diamond Level

Only People Who Have Experienced the Diamond Level Know Its Reality

Only people who have experienced the diamond level know its reality. People who have not experienced it cannot know it. This is true about any form of deep spiritual knowledge, for this kind of knowingness does not exist in the conventional dimension. That’s why when one knows, one seems certain and definite, for one is in touch with the source that is the knowledge itself. It is only then that a person can function well as a guide, not before. So if we are not in touch with that power, with that manifestation, with that diamond level, we are not in touch with the Diamond Guidance. Guidance means that Essence arises in such a way that it reveals its own truth, its own meaning, its own significance, its own operation, its own function, its own effect. It gives our soul and her intellect the capacity to discern on the essential level. And the capacity to discern on the essential level means the capacity to discern independent of knowledge on the conventional level. That doesn’t mean we can’t use the conventional level. When we operate from this Diamond Dimension of Essence, we do use words and the concepts underlying them to transmit and reveal direct knowledge. Words and concepts, which exist on the conventional level, are empty vessels that can carry something that is beyond them, but they are not knowledge itself; they are attempts at elucidating knowledge in order to communicate it. The knowledge itself is experienced, is sensed. When the aspects arise on the diamond level, they impact the soul by touching it in such a way that the soul starts having spontaneous insights about its experience. The diamond quality touches the substance of the soul, which starts to open up, allowing the knowledge that is coming from that aspect to arise. The soul becomes receptive to a knowledge that comes from beyond, from the unseen world. It is revealed knowledge. It is no longer merely the experience of Essence, it is essential wisdom.

Without the Diamond Level of Experience there Would be No Possibility of Precise Knowing

However, if the Red Essence arises in this new dimension, which I call the Diamond Dimension, then any conventional knowledge that is trying to impose itself on the true, direct knowledge of the aspect will be exposed. The Diamond Guidance manifests at this point because this capacity of knowing can withstand and transcend the dullness of our conventional knowledge and manifest the truth about the Red Essence. Independent of our subjective mind, it can show us what is objective and what is not. It can let us know what is and what is not completely precise. That’s why we say that the aspect is arising on the diamond level: It has clarity, precision, and indestructibility. On the diamond level, we don’t experience the Red Essence in the usual way, as a red fullness, flow, or fire. If it occurred in this way, our knowledge of the Red Essence would be susceptible to our conventional mind, to our beliefs and reactions. Instead we experience a red diamond, a faceted ruby. There is a precision in the experience of a red diamond, an exactness and definiteness. These characteristics simply reflect the fact that we are experiencing the aspect in such a way that its meaning is inseparable from the direct experience of it. We know precisely what the Red Essence is because we are experiencing the Red diamond, which is experience and knowledge as one. So, without the diamond level of experience, there would be no possibility of precise knowing, and hence of Diamond Guidance.

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