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Diamond Approach Ottawa Montréal

Diamond Approach Ottawa Montréal

Diamond Approach Ottawa Montreal is an ongoing retreat group currently accepting new members. The group meets online 3 times a year in a 4.5-day format with a fourth 3-day weekend retreat in the Winter. The first in-person retreat is being planned for September 20th - 24th, 2023 in Ottawa. These retreats include evocative teachings, meditation and body-based practices, experiential exercises, and self-inquiry. 

We invite you to join us and learn more about the Diamond Approach which is a path of wisdom through direct experience. It recognizes the uniqueness of each individual and adapts itself to each person's needs at the time. It does not require that people adapt to some ideal, but welcomes people as they are and helps them to take the natural next step for their unique development.

Teaching Team: Lisa Barrett, Milia Ahu, Rob Merkx, Padma Roy, Shah Allard.

We invite you to see the US Northeast/Eastern Canada Hub for current offerings, public events, and individual work possibilities with a Diamond Approach teacher. 


Diamond Approach Ottawa Montreal: 
Wisdom of Inquiry in the Three Centers

May 24th - 28th, 2023
Click here to learn more.

For more information, please contact Lisa Barrett ~ [email protected]

Zoom Online Ottawa, ON
Ontario CA

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