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Diamond Approach Australia

Diamond Approach Australia

Diamond Approach Australia (DAA) has been providing the teaching and practice of the Diamond Approach in Australia since 1992. DAA is an organisation and spiritual community committed to making the Diamond Approach available, visible and widely accessible in Australia. Currently, there are eight ongoing retreat groups drawing over 200 students from across Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore. 

Groups meet for retreats in-person in Australian Capital Cities, and are supported to continue their inquiry process between retreats by meeting in small groups locally or via the internet. 

We invite you to our Australian website for current offerings including a new ongoing retreat group, public events, online webinars, and individual work with a Diamond Approach teacher. 

You can also:

Contact: Alicia at [email protected] or by phone +61 2 9423 6976 and Alicia will get back to you
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