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Pearl Questionnaire - Jeanne Hay Rosenblum

Pearl Questionnaire - Jeanne Hay Rosenblum

How did you find the Diamond Approach?

I was introduced to Hameed Ali by Jessica Britt in the late 1970s. At that time there was no group or School. From the very first private session work I did with Hameed, I knew that he was my “Teacher.” I asked him to please consider me if he ever did a training, which he did. It has been the focus of my life ever since.

When you first started, what was your greatest challenge?

My greatest challenge was to actually believe that “being where I am” and not trying to fix myself could possibly lead to realization of True Nature.

What has kept you engaged with the Diamond Approach teachings?

The teaching and practice of the D.A. continue to deepen my experience and the experience of my students.

What aspect of the teaching is most alive in you right now?

Trusting myself to be where I am without judgment.

What has been the most surprising discovery for you (in the past year? Month? Week?)?

That every day can be a surprising discovery.

What advice/encouragement would you offer to someone ‘on the fence’ about attending an Intro event?

If you are “on the fence” something in you is already moving you. Find out what it is trying to tell you.

If you could have one wish for humankind, what would it be?

Love yourself deeply and let that spread out into the world.

Jeanne Hay Rosenblum is a senior teacher in the Ridhwan School. She is a member of its leadership council and participates in the training and supervision of new teachers. Jeanne leads groups in Europe and the US and has a private practice in Marin County, California. She will be the lead teacher for a newly forming group in Asia and a teacher in the online course Introduction to the Diamond Approach.

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