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Introductory Description: 
What have you learned as a result of studying the Diamond Approach?: 

How to transform.

What would you like your potential students to know about you as a teacher of the Diamond Approach?: 

I have taught the Diamond Approach for over 28 years, and currently lead retreat groups in the San Francisco Bay Area and the United Kingdom. I also co-lead meditation retreats for students in the school.

What attracted you to the Diamond Approach?: 

The practice of inquiry allowed me to move through deep holes that I couldn't resolve otherwise.

What is most important for people to understand about the Diamond Approach?: 

It will transform your life.

Books and/or articles I’ve written: 

The Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram:  Nine Faces of the Soul, Tarcher/Penguin 2000

The Enneagram of Passions and Virtues:  Finding the Way Home, Tarcher/Penguin 2008

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