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Introductory Description: 

Michele has been a student of the Diamond Approach since 2000 and a teacher since 2017 working with students across the U.S. and the U.K.  Michele recently retired from a career as an Assistant Deputy Public Defender advocating for children in Child Protective Services.  


What have you learned as a result of studying the Diamond Approach?: 

That the potential of the human soul is beyond anything I might have imagined. 

What attracted you to the Diamond Approach?: 

While I was studying a Course of Miracles, I recall saying to the facilitator, “I don’t know what you’re doing, but I want what you’re having.” A few weeks later, I joined the Diamond Approach. There was an immediate sense of having come ‘home’.  The Diamond Approach has felt like a ‘calling’. The welcoming and inclusivity of the Teaching has provided a wonderful place to explore and discover more of the truth about who I am and about reality.  It has been a great gift to do this work within a community of like-minded souls.

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