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Clone of MW4_2022_7_22

July 22, 2022
06:30 pm - 08:30 pm

 An Introduction to the Diamond Approach

Our Search for Meaning:  Why Are We Here?  

This 2-hour online gathering is an invitation to peer through a keyhole into the questions of who we are, what we are and why we are here through the practice of open-ended inquiry.

Since the dawn of self-awareness, the human soul has longed for meaning.  Known in ancient spiritual traditions as ‘the flame’ the search for a deeper understanding spans all of humanity.  Our quest for meaning and significance drive us in so many ways, both conscious and unconscious.  It is the fundamental root of nearly everything we do.

This 2-hour online gathering is an invitation to peer through a keyhole into the questions of who we are, what we are and why we are here through the practice of open-ended inquiry.  The teaching is an experiential taste of the Diamond Approach, a method of spiritual insight that uses modern depth psychology with ancient spiritual wisdom.  The evening will include a presentation, meditation and specific teaching and exercises for the practice of presence and inquiry.

We look forward to gathering with you online!


Free of charge

We will send you a Zoom link by email prior to the program. 



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United States

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