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March 13 - March 17, 2024
01:30 pm - 05:30 pm
Boulder, Colorado


We invite you to join us for our next retreat to experience the new Colorado Diamond Heart Ten (CODHTEN) in-person group now forming. You are welcome to attend as many weekends as you need, in order to have enough experiential understanding of the Diamond Path to decide if this path is right for you. In this 5-day retreat we will work with our difficult feelings of hatred, rejection, cynicism and doubt.  Allowing, exploring and understanding these feelings can open our consciousness to deep and abiding spaciousness and pure peacefulness, which is revealed as the nature of the mind.  Please join us for this powerful teaching!

CODHTEN meets in person at the new Ridhwan Center in Boulder, Colorado, with Zoom option available if you cannot attend in person.


The Diamond Approach to Inner Development


“We call our method “The Diamond Approach.” We don’t call it “The Truth Approach,” “The Love Approach,” or “The Will Approach.” We call it “The Diamond Approach” for a particular reason. This teaching is like a many-faceted diamond. Our approach is not a specialization of one or even several facets. It is not a specialization of truth or compassion or emptiness, although we are concerned with all these aspects. We use the teaching of truth, the teaching of love, the teaching of clarity, of will, of compassion and the like, without focusing on any one of them exclusively. What we do is to use all the facets to create a balanced whole. We look from many different perspectives; we experience the same thing from all possible angles.” - A. H. Almaas, founder of the Diamond Approach.


The Diamond Approach is a spiritual path that makes deep realization accessible to ordinary people who live active lives in the world.  It brings ancient wisdom and contemporary insights together in a new teaching that is suited for modern people in our fast paced world.

The teachings include meditation, a presentation on a particular characteristic of our subject of exploration, body awareness and sensing, and active inquiry into the truth of our own experience. This teaching is not theoretical but practical, experiential, and immediately applicable in daily life. Each day is divided into two equal 3-hour segments, each of which includes a meditation, a presentation, an experiential exercise, and comments and questions at the end. 

No prior experience is required; all you need to attend is contact Andreas Mouskos to express your interest. ([email protected]), or you can first fill out the Application and email it.


Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, March 13, 14 & 15:  1:30pm - 9:00pm, with a break for dinner
Saturday & Sunday, March 16 & 17:  10:00am - 5:30pm, with a break for lunch

Cost: $503

You're also invited to join us for upcoming weekends in 2024:
May 3-5, Jul 12-14, Sep 11-15, Nov 8-10

Visit our website for more information.



Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, March 13, 14 & 15:  1:30pm - 9:00pm, with a break for dinner
Saturday & Sunday, March 16 & 17:  10:00am - 5:30pm, with a break for lunch

(Times are Mountain Time Zone)




Colorado Ridhwan Center
6783 Baseline Road
Boulder, CO
United States
Colorado US

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