02:00 pm - 12:00 pm
Constantia Cape Town, South Africa
March 2024: residential 5 day retreat
May 2024: zoom weekend
The first half of 2024 will be an exploration of the quality of inner or essential spaciousness. We will do this at our first ever residential 5 day retreat in March, with a follow up Zoom weekend in May. The spacious openness we will explore is not an attitude based on ideas or beliefs. It is a state of being which we arrive at by seeing through the self images that have defined who we take ourself to be. Fully recognising a self image for what it is and allowing the emptiness that follows brings us naturally to a wonderful state of freedom, unencumbered by the heavy rigid ego structure that have defined our experience of ourself until then. We feel un-patterned and experience ourself as a clear luminous spaciousness, immaculate and light hearted, open to all the potential of our true nature.
Over the retreat and the weekend we will engage deeply the practice of being present in the immediacy of our experience, and exploring and opening it up through the practice of diamond inquiry™. We will present teachings of the Diamond Approach ® on this quality of Essential Space so we can see and understand more about how we came to have the beliefs, ideas, and convictions that make up our personality.
This exploration will invite the quality of spacious openness to infuse our personal life, our love of truth, and our experience of reality as a whole with freshness, lightness and openness.
If you are interested in this group as you´re having a connection to Africa please send an email to us. This is a hybrid group.
Schoenstatt Retreat Centre
Cape Town
The rates at Schoenstatt for full board (room, three meals, teas and coffees) are:
- Single room, shared bathroom - R855 per person per night (4 available)
- Double room, shared bathroom - R810 pp (4 available)
- Single room, ensuite bathroom - R890 pp (5 available)
- Double room, (2 single beds), ensuite - R845 pp (2 available)
Four nights accommodation will therefore cost between R3,240 and R3560 plus a few additional meals.
There are a limited number of rooms, so please advise first and perhaps second choice asap by emailing Maphoko at [email protected]. There is space for 15 students if nobody shares a room, and up to 26 if all the double rooms have two people in them. If we have new members joining us and need to double up we will let you know.
All students must read and complete the information statement at https://online.diamondapproach.org/rf-is-eu/.
Retreat Tuition Fees
The tuition fees for the retreat are R6000. Board and lodging is additionsl (see below). Scholarship funding is available in the case of financial need, so please enquire.
Students from the EU may contact Sarala