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June 1, 2023
07:00 pm - 09:00 pm
Amsterdam , Netherlands

Non Dual Love, live Booktalk by A.H. Almaas in Amsterdam, June 1st 2023

To experience divine love is to recognize the presence of divinity everywhere—divinity as love, as a presence, as radiance. It’s like the soft, golden light that you see when sunlight comes into a room in the late afternoon. Take that quality of golden light and then imagine it actually shining out of all the objects around you, including people’s physical bodies, so that they look as if they are nothing but the substance of this light. They are glowing with its beauty.  -  Excerpt from the book Nondual love by A. H. Almaas

AH. Almaas, penname of Hameed Ali, will present his new book Non Dual Love in Amsterdam in the Westerkerk Church on Thursday evening June 1st at 7 pm.
This evening is a rare opportunity to receive a direct transmission from one of the most renowned spiritual teachers of our time. You can buy his book during the event. 

For more information and to book a seat please use this link:




Prinsengracht 281
Amsterdam 1016 GW

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