10:00 am - 09:00 pm
New York, New York
If you’re reading this, something in you is drawn to exploring some kind of spiritual work. You may not have any idea of what that something is. But in some way, you’re sensing your potential to touch something in yourself beyond what you presently know.
And what we presently know about Reality is usually based on what we’ve learned in the past – our ideas about ourselves and others, our familiar self, and our fixed patterns of thinking and feeling and acting. But what is the living Beingness that we actually are, that is not a product of our history, is not caused by anything, and is not a result of anything we do?
Our actual Being is a palpable presence. We cannot acquire it or own it. It is innate and real and a completely different way of knowing ourselves than our usual ways of thinking and feeling. The implications of discovering this truth are profound for our lives, and it begins with your very wish to touch something more real in yourself.
Join us this weekend for an exploration of the very Presence that is our True Nature.
Sept 7, 10 - 5:30
Sept 8, 10 - 5:30
Sept 9, 7 pm - 9 pm
$300 Teaching Fee.