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Diamond Heart United Kingdom

Diamond Heart United Kingdom

Diamond Heart United Kingdom is now forming in London. Please join us for our upcoming series of introductory meetings and non-residential weekend retreats. Our time together will include talks, experiential inquiry exercises, and meditations.

Anyone interested in exploring the Diamond Approach may attend one, two, or all three of the introductory meetings. For those who feel drawn to continue in the newly forming group (due to start in Fall 2020), registration details will soon be available.

To visit our Diamond Heart UK webpage, go to and

To learn more about the upcoming group introductory meetings and retreats, we invite you to see the Europe Hub events list. 

For more information, please contact Jona Scovill at [email protected].

If you would like to speak directly with a teacher about this group please email Penny Kennington here: [email protected]

United Kingdom

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